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Old Sep 15, 2005, 12:22 PM // 12:22   #1
Lion's Arch Merchant
Join Date: Apr 2005

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Default Rogue/Mercenary/Etc...Class

Now, the opinion seems to be that any new classes should deal more with melee, since there is only one while there are numerous ways to play them, though there are a mass of casters. Notice as Rogue, it is not stealth, so do not get that into your idea, unfortunately there is not a name I can consider which fits in whole to the class type, nothing generallized enough while able to focus on the idea of the class itself, let us call it merely a Rogue for now however.

In balancing it out, one has to remember, that you are either going to use all of the weapons of the Warrior, limit them, or create a few new ones, take it one way or another, this is on the assumption that the Rogue abilities will not be focused on the use of Hammers but it is still plausible to use a few, while it will add in the option for Dual Wielding, which allows two Swords or Axes to be wielded simultaneously, notice that Sword and Axe would have to overlap with the Warrior abilities, and Warriors would now gain the ability to Dual Wield, though not as well in comparisson than one with the skill obviously. As well, Hammers and Dual Wielding obviously will not work, I am taking this as basically like Warrior Rangers, you cannot use melee skills with a Bow out, so little problem here I believe, feel free to switch or forget about one.

Rogues use four abilities, Sword, Axe, Dirty Fighting, and Knives, with the primary attribute of Dual Wield.

Swords and Axes hold the same skill sets as Warriors, how this will work out, not entirely certain, but we'll have to get around it. Works the same way with increased damage or whatever with these weapons however. As well, Rogues use adrenaline for skills, but also "can" have a different statistic besides energy, which is now Rogue Tools, such as knives, poison, what have you that is thought of later, these regenerate slowly over time, and are used on many attacks, such as poisoning weapons will use one, while throwing a knife will use one as well, some attacks obviously expend more. These are gained only over time, and are used from the same pool for attacks. Will label a few outside of Knives which use them, but not numbers or anything.

Notice as well, that Deadly Riposte and Riposte would have to be changed into Sword skills, all I can see.

Dirty Fighting involves skills which attempt to take advantage of oppurtunities to obviously remove the ability of enemies and gain the edge. Examples :

Trip - Target moving foe is knocked down for two-four seconds (short recast, fun way to keep enemies there)

Throw Dirt - When knocked down, the Rogue may throw dirt in a small area, blinding the target and nearby enemies for 6-12 seconds (Ranger has the name, get something else, but, designed for the same thing, only shorter recast, better minimal time, and when knocked down)

Rising Swing - When knocked down, the Rogue may immediately stand back up delivery a critical strike which knocks down the opponent.

Falling Swing - When knocked down, the Rogue may make a secondary attack for 8-32 damage which causes cripple for 3-21 seconds

Follow Up - After a successful strike, your next attack hits for another 4-12 damage and cannot be blocked, evaded, or miss

Side Kick - Attempts to deal a secondary strke for 8-16 damage, your next attack cannot be blocked, evaded, or miss (doesn't work off normal combat timer, hence secondary strike, you will see this later)

Misdirection - Next melee attack within 1-3 seconds is automatically evaded, your next attack cannot be blocked, evaded, or miss, if this attack was a skill, the enemy is unable to attack for 1-3 seconds (if it was regular attack, they are still able to attack again)

Pommel Blow - Causes only 8-16 damage to target and dazed for 3-16 seconds.

Poisoned Edge - Successful melee hits for the next 3-12 seconds cause poison for 3-18 seconds (uses Rogue Tools)

Corrosive Spray - short range, target enemy becomes blinded and poisoned for 6-18 seconds. (uses Rogue Tools

Knives are attacks made using throwing knives and punch daggers to strike using the small weapons which a Rogue keeps on their person at all times.

Rend - secondary attack, deal no damage, target enemy suffers from bleeding and weakness for 3-21 seconds (dual conditions, figured there needs to be one, or more)

Throwing Knife - medium ranged attack, can be made while moving, deal 8-24 damage to target

Rush of Knives - very short range, all enemies are struck by at least one knife for 5-20 damage, 66% chance for a second knife for 5-20 damage, 33% chance for a third knife for 5-20 damage, 25% chance to suffer bleeding for 3-8 seconds, 25% chance to suffer deep wound if second knife hits for 3-8 seconds, 50% chance to suffer deep wound if third knive hits for 3-8 seconds. (tell me that isn't a crazy ability that really changes the way most abilities normally behave)

Blade Kick - Deals a secondary attack for 8-16 damage, 50% chance of causing bleeding for 3-16 seconds (adding to this idea of secondary attacks, plus bleeding is great)

"No, Don't Run!" (not a shout) medium range, deals 8-24 damage, if it hits a moving target causes cripple for 3-16 seconds.

Hidden Strike - Deal an additional 4-12 damage, attack cannot be evaded, causes weakness of blocked.

Poisoned Knives - For 12-36 seconds, all knife attacks afflict the target with poison for 3-12 seconds.

Last Ditch Effort - Expends all Rogue Tools, all nearby foes have a chance to suffer from bleeding, blindness, cripple, and poison, the more Rogue Tools, the greater chance they are afflicted with each condition. (notice, based on the amount of maximum Rogue Tools, whatever that is, though is never a guarantee any will hit, but unlikely none will, large energy and adrenaline cost, long recast time)

Dual Wield has a natural miss chance for the primary and secondary weapon (greater chance on secondary) as well as weaker damage for the secondary, note that attack types, such as an axe skill, counts only on the primary weapon, so a sword in primary and axe in secondary cannot do an axe skill. Points in Dual Wield lower this chance to miss on both weapons and raise damage capabilities on the secondary weapon.

Whirling Dervish - 50% chance to evade all melee attacks and arrows and increases attack speed by 25% for 3-8 seconds.

Arcing Steel - All adjacent enemies are struck by primary and secondary weapon. (kind of like hundred blades, except it is surrounding you, but there is the chance to miss the attack with dual wielding, as well as weaker damage, so potential can be good in a surrounding crowd)

Barring Steel - 50% chance to parry all melee attacks and instantly riposte for 8-24 damage additional secondary damage

Unending Strikes - For 3-12 seconds, all attacks can hit an additional adjacent foe

Redouble - When an attack is blocked, can perform an instant unblockable attack for an additional 8-16 damage

Puncture - Next Primary and Secondary weapon attacks deal no damage, enemy armor value is reduced by 30% (uses Rogue Tools)

Rogue General Skills, these are hard to consider, since so much else is already taken, so, cannot really think of any at this time, though there should be a few adjustable stance styles which do not rely on anything, kind of like Flurry and Frenzy. In fact, I think a few Warrior skills need to be doubled over, like Distracting Blow and Wild Blow, if not a few more, it makes sense since a lot of the skills are designed for Swords, Axes, and Hammers.

On the edit, notice I am looking for a few more ideas which have sort of a gamble aspect to them, as with Rush of Knives, where the cost would be heavy if you only got a single knife on a person, or even on a couple people, but it is likely enough you'll hit with a second or third knife and perhaps get a few conditions, if you've got ideas, lookin for it.

Also, added a few poison attacks, these are melee, so the poisoner's axe haft or whatever and such actually have a real effect.

Last edited by Vangor; Sep 15, 2005 at 01:24 PM // 13:24..
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Old Sep 15, 2005, 04:03 PM // 16:03   #2
Lion's Arch Merchant
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My idea for a proffession:

The Swindler

This proffession depends on the quickness of it's attacks and the mouvements of his ennemies and himself in the battlefield rather than dealing massive amounts of damage. Unlike the Warrior, the Swindler deals less damage but his attack rate is faster and his criticals deals additional effects rather than dealing more damage. A swindler can also switch targets and get too them must faster than a warrior can
*********Possible Attributes**********

Dagger Mastery
Increase the chance of dealing a critical with daggers.
For each rank in this attribute, the chances of dazing or poisoning (50% between the two) a creature increases by 4% and the duration is lengthened by 1.5 seconds.

Everyone knows what a dagger is, it deals jabbing/piercing wounds and is highly accurate
high attack rate, Light damage, On criticals (deals normal damage+ chance of dazing or poison)

Kukri Mastery
Increass the chance of dealing a critical with Kukris
For each rank in this attribute the chances of inflicting a deep wound when you deal a critical is increased by 4% and the deep wound lasts 1 seconds longer.
A kukri us a curved dagger that deals slashing wounds instead of piercing wounds like the dagger does. It's smaller than a sword, but curved in a way that it deals more damage because it's smaller and thus more accurate.
moderate attack rate, high damage, On criticals (deals normal damage + chance of causing a deep Wound. **

Katar Mastery
Increases the chance of dealing a critical with Katars
For each rank in this attribute the chances of inflicting bleeding is increased by 4% and it's duration is 1 seconds longer.

Katars (also called punshing daggers) are daggers mounted on the fists, they are less acurate than daggers but deals much more damage.
hight attack rate, moderate damage, On criticals (deals normal damage+Bleeding. **can't use a shield or focus**
See a anime character wielding katars here

This attribute powers skills, stances and preperations that deal with mouvement and the mouvement of ennemies as well as allies.

Examples of skills:

Bad distractions(stance)
For 3-17 seconds foes deal 10% more damage, whenever a foe deals physical damage to you, you change your target to this foe and deal an automatic critical hit.

Oppertune moment (stance):
For 2-20 secondsTarget ennemy has a 30% chance of missing with physical attacks, if you are currently engaged with this creature and it misses, you get an automatic attack and deal a critical.

Advantage repost (Preperation)
For 5-30 seconds, Remove all preperations and stances, you attack 20% slower. Whenever a foe deal damage to you make a free attack that deals 30% more damage. Advantagous repost ends if you use a skills.

Devoted teamwork (Upkept Enchantment) -1 energy regeneration
While you maintain this enchantent on you, your attacks are 5-20% faster but deal 20-10% less damage.

Battle focus (Primary attribute)
For each rank put into this ability, you gain evade 1 armor.
Whenever *you or an ally moves* out of your range or the range of others you move and attack 33% faster for a number of seconds equal to the ranks put into this attribute and must wait 10 seconds until the next time this ability can go off.
(Note: Not cummulative and the ability does not end when you or an ally moves back into range)

********Possible energy, armor and weapon numbers*********

20 Energy (same as warriors) with 3 regen bars (like a ranger)

Swindlers would have an armor slightly lower than a warriors' or rangers' but higher than a spell caster.

Swindlers would have smaller shields known as bucklers or arm guards who can make them attack slightly faster 2-10% (with condition appliers of course).

Dmg for daggers would resemble rods and staffs while Kukris would be close to bow damage and katars would resemble axe's.

Last edited by kawaii_bat; Sep 15, 2005 at 04:05 PM // 16:05..
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Old Sep 15, 2005, 10:36 PM // 22:36   #3
Lion's Arch Merchant
Join Date: Apr 2005

The problem with that is you have to create a huge amount of excess weapon skills, there would have to be a huge overhaul of weapons, mods for em, etc., while I don't believe those are necessary to the game, especially when you don't have skills to those to make them appear different, granted the effects on "critical" is one, that does seem overpowered or underpowered, since it bypasses a skill to cause an effect, but only one effect, and you have to wait until you deal a critical and notice it, etc.

P.S. Not looking for people to post their character ideas on my own topic, there are plenty of topics out there, feel free to create your own, I am only looking for a few ideas on skills which are gamble oriented.
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Old Sep 15, 2005, 10:43 PM // 22:43   #4
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Sounds like a cross between a warrior and a ranger.
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Old Sep 15, 2005, 11:20 PM // 23:20   #5
Lion's Arch Merchant
Join Date: Apr 2005

Essentially it could be, because I cannot imagine much being of use besides a light armor heavy effect fighter for GW, however, it would need to be designed as the "X-slayer", so it uses blinds, those knockdown attacks, etc., against warriors especially, while it can daze, bleed, etc., against mages and such, give it a few interrupts for healers, and then make it against crowds with a few area attacks at close range, can imagine using a Rogue Elementalist designed specifically for that which can also melee.

Plus, the throwing knives are not meant to replace bows by any means, they are a static and I would say low damage, just for a beginning hit, as well as a way to pin down enemies that are running away and possibly poison em, the medium range would be less than even a shortbow or halfmoon to note.

Still rough around the edges obviously, and just a thought for class basis. But, not a Warrior directly (notice any melee class will be in some form a Warrior, the Barbarian, Paladin, Ranger[nonbow], Rogue, Monk, and Bard[nonsong] were all by and large developed from a Fighter, simply because they are the idea of melee combat), and not that close to a Ranger.
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